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  • What style of martial art will I learn?
    You will learn Te Ashi Jutsu, a modern martial art and exercise programme developed by Master Steve Maberly and Master Chrys Soteriou. The focus of Te Ashi Jutsu is practical self-defence. This is mainly a striking martial art but also includes take downs, wrist and arm locks and escapes from holds. All techniques are practical and easy to learn, enhance your health, as well as developing physical and mental conditioning.
  • I have no martial arts experience. Will this be a problem?
    All students go through an introductory session designed to introduce new students to Te Ashi Jutsu. You will be taught by our team of experienced instructors. We all started at the beginning so understand that there’s lots to take in. You’ll be guided through the techniques and receive lots of support.
  • I haven't exercised in years. Will this be a problem?
    Part of the aims of Te Ashi Jutsu is that training should promote optimum health and well-being leading to a happier, healthier and more productive life. You do not need to be fit before starting Te Ashi Jutsu. However, you will become fitter as a natural result of the training. All students are encouraged to work at their own preferred pace and intensity in class.
  • I'm worried about getting injured. Is Te Ashi Jutsu safe?
    Yes. Te Ashi Jutsu is one of the safest martial arts you will find because it’s semi-contact and non-competitive. Experience shows that most students rarely get injured during class. Despite our low injury rate, student safety is still very important and certain drills require students to wear mandatory protective equipment. You’ll also learn how to fall safely before learning any take downs.
  • Is Te Ashi Jutsu suitable for women?
    Yes. Te Ashi Jutsu is based mainly on the development of powerful striking skills. This is because an attacker may be larger than you, meaning your ability to wrestle with them may be limited to strength alone. In terms of self-defence, awareness and avoidance are paramount. However, if you have to use your defensive skills, the powerful striking techniques will enable you to stun or stop an attacker, even as a smaller person. Also, our take down techniques rely on your attackers’ weight and balance. This makes Te Ashi Jutsu particularly suitable for women and children
  • Is Te Ashi Jutsu suitable for children?
    Yes, as well as learning self-defence skills, the development of good manners, courtesy, self-discipline, self-confidence and good social skills are encouraged. However, there is a minimum age of 8 years old before any child can start training
  • How long will it take me to become a Black Belt?
    Most of our students achieve their black belts in 3½ to 5 years. Our Instructors are committed to helping all of our students achieve the coveted rank of Black Belt and beyond, and instil the attitude of personal excellence both in the martial arts and in their respective lives.
  • What are the belts in Te Ashi Jutsu?
    There are nine grades of coloured belts from 9th Kyu (White) to 1st Kyu (Brown). This is followed by 8 grades of black belt starting with 1st Dan, 5th denotes a Master status and 8th a Grandmaster.
  • It all sounds really interesting! How can I get started?
    Call Steve Maberly on 07801 837 326 for further information and to book your free introduction session.
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